If you would like to write an article to feature in the UCOVI data blog, email us at blog@ucovi-data.com
As long as it's data-related, insightful/interesting/funny, and not NSFW, we'll be glad to publish it. It could be a...
- data analysis project on topical subject matter
- story or case study of how an organisation transformed its fortunes through improved data management (bonus points if you feel it proves the UCOVI concept!)
- review of a recent or upcoming data-themed conference or Expo, or recently published book
- comment piece or feature about what role data plays in a specific sector or industry
- guide to getting the best out of a coding language or software tool for working with data
- cringeworthy anecdote about a corporate mishap involving data (these are especially welcome)
We suggest anything roughly 500-1500 words in length.